
Showing posts from July, 2023

Juju Hat World

  Juju Hats , also known as   African Juju hats   or Bamiléké feather headdresses, are a traditional African decor piece that has gained worldwide popularity in recent years. Originally from Cameroon, these hats were worn by royal dancers during important ceremonies and celebrations. However, today they are mostly used as wall decor, adding a touch of elegance and texture to any room. In this article, we will discuss the history and significance of Juju hats, their use as wall decor, and how to style them in your home. History and Significance of Juju Hats The  Juju hat  is a traditional headdress that has been worn by the Bamiléké people of Cameroon for centuries. Originally, the headdresses were used by royal dancers during important ceremonies such as funerals, weddings, and births. The hats were created by hand and were made with natural materials such as feathers, wood, and raffia. Each hat was unique and reflected the status and wealth of the wearer. The hats were named "Juj